Labels:bulletin board | earth | person | reckoner | sky OCR: abedefshi gk/mhopqrstuvwxyz ATCOEFGHIJ KLMNO"PQRSTUVUXYZ 0123456789 !@#$% &*-+=>,< .[]31 ":/? 12 The CuIck Iryun fgx sve the dgg 10 The quick brown fox Jumps oVen the lazy dod. 2.4 The TuIck brown fox jumps o'Ver the !azy dog. 36 The quIck brewn fex jumps ever the lazy deg. The TuIck brewh fcx Jumps ever the Iazy dog. The quick brown fex Jumps ever the Iazy fop The Tuick brown feX Jumps eVer the lazy abedefght Lkimhop grstuvwxyz ARCDEFGHIJ Ergun gven trown Tazy browh